To our knowledge nothing detrimental has been documented and microscopic research shows no changes to the tooth structure.

All bleaching gel causes some degree of tooth sensitivity. This is sensitivity to cold/hot fluids and even air can cause discomfort. This is normal and an expected side effect. All bleaching causes tooth sensitivity and we recommend to either discontinue use for a few days and the sensitivity will dissipate within 24-48 hrs. Don’t be concerned as bleaching does not need to be done consecutively. You will get to the same whitening point, it will just take a little longer. A better alternative is to use Desensitizing Gel which is applied after bleaching in the same manner as the bleach. Using a desensitizing toothpaste like Sensodyne or any of over the counter toothpastes containing potassium nitrate as the active ingredient will help.

Result vary. Some teeth whiten dramatically in just a few days, while others can take a few months. The majority of people whiten within 2-3 weeks. The more yellow versus gray color you have in your teeth, the better the bleaching. Grey enamel similar to that of Tetracycline (antibiotic) staining is more difficult to bleach and can take a few months to achieve a result.

Generally, immediately after bleaching, the color will fade slightly and then remain stable for approx. 6 months to a year, sometimes longer. It is recommended for maintenance to touch up your smile every 4-6 months with 1-2 applications.

No research has been done into bleaching teeth while nursing or pregnant, so manufacturers for liability reasons recommend NOT to bleach while pregnant or nursing.

All bleaching agents used to whiten teeth will only work on natural tooth structure. This means that all dental work including but not limited to bonding, veneers, crowns (caps) and bridges will NOT bleach or whiten. All dental work would need to be replaced to match the newly whitened teeth.

Generally the shelf life of most bleaching gel is approx. 2 yrs if refrigerated and 1 yr un-refrigerated. Un-refrigerated bleach should be stored in a dry cool environment. The wearing time is based on the strength of bleaching gel.

  • 10% - 16% can be used for minutes to overnight if no sensitivity.
  • 20% - 22% 1 hour / application.

The active ingredient is the same with most bleaching brands. Zoom, Nite White turbo and Day White have a slightly different active ingredient, which works a little more rapidly, but in the same manner. Some feel that these products cause more tooth sensitivity. Please keep in mind that some teeth are more difficult to bleach than others no matter what bleaching agent you use. The older you are and the more gray your teeth are, the more difficult it is to bleach. Some teeth that will achieve only minor whitening improvement no matter what product you use.

There are 2 main bleaching ingredients. Carbamide peroxide (e.g. Opalescence,, Nite white) and hydrogen peroxide (e.g. Day White, Zoom, and Nite White turbo). Comparatively, a 7.5% hydrogen peroxide is equivalent to a 16% carbamide peroxide while a 9.5% hydrogen peroxide is equivalent to a 26% carbamide peroxide.

Carbamide peroxide actually breaks down into hydrogen peroxide. Patients must wear Nite White for a longer period of time so that the carbamide can break down in to hydrogen peroxide, the active ingredient. The only real difference for you is the wearing time. Nite White was first developed in a 10% solution to be used overnight, allowing time for the carbamide peroxide to breakdown into hydrogen peroxide. With the demand for a more effective bleaching agent, the 16% and 22% were launched. The 16% can also be used overnight while the 22% is used for 1 hour only. Both Day White and Nite White will take you to the same bleaching end point. Theoretically it would appear then that Day White 9.5% would be more effective but there is no research to substantiate this.

It is recommended to avoid such during whitening and for 1 week after tooth bleaching. We however recommend not changing your lifestyle. If you feel that your teeth have yellowed over time, it is okay to do touch-up bleaching 1-2 applications every 4-6 months as needed.

No…Results vary. Some teeth whiten dramatically in just a few days, while others may take weeks to months to show a difference, if any. The more yellow versus gray color you have in your teeth, the better the bleaching result. Grey enamel similar to that of Tetracycline (antibiotic) staining is more difficult to bleach. Some normal teeth will achieve only minor whitening improvement no matter what product you use. Results cannot be guaranteed.

Make sure that the bleach covers the entire surface of the tooth and not just the bottom half. The average tooth will usually have a seamless whitening transition from whiter at the bottom of the tooth (biting surface) to less white towards the gum line. This is normal and an expected result. This is due to thinner enamel in this area allowing more show through of the tooth color. Very few cases have total uniform whiteness. With grayish teeth, the transition is occasionally somewhat more noticeable. One might see a demarcation area / line between the 2 areas. Keep in mind that whitening fades and the tooth will in most instances gradually blend. In some cases that are extremely resistant to bleaching, one might consider bonding or veneers as an alternative treatment.

It is also normal that certain areas of the tooth such as areas of decalcification will respond more rapidly to bleaching resulting in blotchiness at first while the rest of the tooth catches up as one continues to bleach. The blotchiness is the first to fade after stopping resulting in a more uniform appearance.

The choice when to stop bleaching is really a personal one. Stop when you are pleased with the results. Teeth will gradually get whiter and within either a few days or 2 weeks in most cases reach a plateau where they will not get any whiter. This is the maximum amount of whitening you will reach and at that point do not bleach any further. It is normal for it to fade slightly and then stabilize after you have discontinued. We don't recommend bleaching beyond 2-4 weeks. Most teeth whiten well within the first week of use.

All you need to do is place a continuous line of bleach half way up on the inner side of outer wall of the whitening tray so that it forms a rope line of bleaching gel which will not run or slump. When you place the tray over the teeth, the teeth will displace the gel to cover the tooth surface (i.e. the teeth will spread the bleach).

You can see where the bleach covers the tooth and if it appears deficient in an area, you can merely touch the tray gently on the outside to move the bleach around. The gel consistency should be thick and viscous. By creating the gel with increased viscosity allows better retention of the bleach against the tooth surface and therefore more effective even whitening.

If you are refrigerating the product, allow it to sit for a few hours before using it to allow it to be more flow able.

Either your trays are covering the gum area or you overfilled the trays. All you need is either to place a small droplet in each tooth or a bleach line midway across the inner outer wall of the tray. The gums will return to normal in a few hrs i.e. the whiteness will disappear. Avoid any further bleaching until healed. Avoid hot and spicy foods till then. Next time use less and use for 15 minutes and then increase the time on subsequent bleaching periods.